<transcy>Information on moringa tea leaves for commercial use for steaming moringa</transcy>
Steamed YOMOGI, known as a detox salon menu
Recently, beyond the detox of steamed YOMOGI, word of mouth has spread.
It is a menu called "Moringa steamed" menu.
What is moringa steamed?
A folk remedy that has been introduced in Korea, wormwood steaming, which changes wormwood into moringa.
The essential oil component that rises from stewed moringa and Chinese herbs,
It is generally applied to the genital area or anus.
Steamed moringa steamed YOMOGI
Originally, YOMOGI Steam is a folk remedy aimed at improving postpartum confinement.
Nowadays, women's menopause and irregular menstruation, etc.
It is expected to be effective for various problems and is being used for improvement.
The mucous membrane of the vagina has a high absorption rate, so by applying steam containing medicinal ingredients,
The component penetrates into the internal organs and uterus. It promotes blood flow and can be expected to improve gynecological diseases.
Moringa contains 90 kinds of nutritional components, and many of them have detoxifying effects.
It is attracting attention as it is more effective than wormwood.
Moringa's beauty effect
Moringa extract (Moringa leaf extract) has circuin gene activation,
Anti-aging, such as normalization of turnover and increase of collagen in the dermis of the skin,
Research has shown that it has the effect of increasing skin strength. Details of beauty effects
Introduction of Moringa tea leaves for steaming Moringa
Girls, be Ambitious are edible grade for moringa steaming
Moringa tea leaves are available.
As it is edible grade, it can also be served as a salon drink.