<transcy>Fair trade</transcy>

Girls, be Ambitious
Fair Trade Definition

Fair trade for "everything" related to products

Girls, be Ambitious does not belong to
WFTO or other fair trade institutions, and
practices its own fair trade.

With the cooperation of the Philippines Fair Trade Network and
WFTO Philippines Chapter,
"We can continue fair trade as a business with an employment system suitable for the Philippines and producers of each product. We have established fair trade standards based on the premise of "mechanism".

Girls, be Ambitiousのフェアトレード 全てにフェアなフェアトレード

Fair trade to the global environment

<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0596/2924/0529/files/Girls_be_Ambitious_75f49201-bea4-4392-a5f9-58b95af08591_480x480.png?v=1630232032" alt="フェアトレード フェアトレードマーク フェアトレード 商品 フェアトレード 問題点 フェアトレードとは 簡単に フェアトレード商品 フェアトレード 企業 フェアトレード コーヒー フェアトレードとは フェアトレードチョコレート Girls, be Ambitious モリンガ 植林
    We will use
  • eco-packages,
    reusable containers such as bottles, and
    refill pouch packages to reduce waste.

  • Supporting customer's environmental conservation activities
    For her customers who purchased the product and wish to plant trees,
    we will plant moringa trees instead,
    support environmental conservation activities. increase.
    (Details: Happiness Moringa Seal )

    Girls, be Ambitious 幸福のモリンガシール 植林 食育

    Fair trade to customers

    <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0596/2924/0529/files/Girls_be_Ambitious_75f49201-bea4-4392-a5f9-58b95af08591_480x480.png?v=1630232032" alt="フェアトレード フェアトレードマーク フェアトレード 商品 フェアトレード 問題点 フェアトレードとは 簡単に フェアトレード商品 フェアトレード 企業 フェアトレード コーヒー フェアトレードとは フェアトレードチョコレート Girls, be Ambitious モリンガ 商品
    • We provide safe and secure products of organic (or pesticide-free) x non-genetically modified x fair trade, and support the beauty and health of our customers.
      • Proactive information disclosure
        We provide customers with information on product ingredients and producers, and
        maintain the transparency of information.

        We will also hold active product seminars and strive to reach our customers with the maximum amount of information.

        Fair trade to producers

        生産者へのフェアトレード Girls, be Ambitious

        • Guarantee of proper salary: The salary is calculated in the Philippine local currency (peso), and the salary is guaranteed to be 10% or more higher than the legal minimum wage set by the Philippine government.
          We have set an amount that allows three children of the producer to save the amount that they can go to college.
          (Example: Moringa producer's daily wage: 400-pesos. Minimum daily allowance for agriculture in the area: 295 pesos)

        • Formulation of an appropriate evaluation system: We will provide her incentives according to the amount of production and the work of the producer.
          (Example: In the week when the target production amount is achieved, the producer is uniformly paid 500 pesos)

        • Providing a nutritionally balanced lunch: For dietary education and health care for producers, the company provides nutritionally balanced meals such as vegetables and meat for lunch on working days.

        • Capacity Building
          We provide all producers with opportunities to improve their knowledge by holding regular study sessions on product knowledge, marketing basics, health management, etc.

        • Active Employment of the Poor
          We will actively hire the poor and provide sustainable and stable work.

          Fair Trade to Filipinos

          <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0596/2924/0529/files/Girls_be_Ambitious_75f49201-bea4-4392-a5f9-58b95af08591_480x480.png?v=1630232032" alt="フェアトレード フェアトレードマーク フェアトレード 商品 フェアトレード 問題点 フェアトレードとは 簡単に フェアトレード商品 フェアトレード 企業 フェアトレード コーヒー フェアトレードとは フェアトレードチョコレート Girls, be Ambitious モリンガ 食育
          • Nutrition improvement project using moringa
            In collaboration with several NPOs operating in the Philippines, we will hold a dietary education seminar on nutrition and health for mothers and children in slum areas (poor areas). Do it regularly.

          • Environmental improvement project using moringa
            In line with the nutrition improvement project, we will carry out moringa tree planting and carry out environmental improvement projects in various regions of the Philippines.

            Girls, be Ambitious 公式ネットショップ Girls, be Ambitious 会社概要 Girls, be Ambitious SDGs取り組み Girls, be Ambitious 商品卸 原料卸 モリンガ ココナッツオイル フェアトレードコーヒー

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